Having a key break off in a lock can be a frustrating experience, but there are a few things you can do to alleviate this problem and get back into your home, office, or car. Here are a few steps you can take if your key breaks.


In some cases, tweezers can be used to remove the broken portion of the key from the lock. This will free the lock so a spare key can be used, but you'll still need to replace the broken key. Use very thin, very fine tweezers to fit in the space. A pair that is too large may not fit, and they may end up pushing the broken portion of the key further back into the lock. You may also be able to use a fine metal nail file to pry the broken key out of the lock. Take care not to damage the lock while extracting the key, as it may result in having to replace the entire lock.

Glue Or Gum

If the edge of the key is easily visible and not too far back inside of the lock, you may be able to use glue or gum to remove it. Place heavy-duty glue on the tip of a pen cap or other small object you can easily maneuver, and delicately touch the edge of the key with the glue. Wait a few moments to make sure the glue has a chance to take hold, and then gently pull back with the key attached to the glue. In a pinch, chewing gum can be used in the same way. No matter which method you use, be careful not to push the key further back into the lock cylinder. This will make it harder to remove for even a professional locksmith.

Call An Emergency Locksmith

In some cases, you may not be able to remove the key yourself. An emergency locksmith can remove the key or replace the entire lock, whichever is most appropriate for your situation. If you need to have a new key made to replace the broken one,  your locksmith can also help with this task. The locksmith may use one of the above quick fixes or a more skilled approach, such as removing the lock and taking it apart to remove the key.

If you are not sure about trying to remove a broken key on your own, don't hesitate to call your locksmith for assistance. He or she may also be able to help with other tasks, such as replacing the existing lock and creating new keys to prevent this problem from happening again in the future.
